Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Mother’s Eye

A glimpse of the awesome photographer.
I’m learning a lot about home staging.  While my tastes and style have changed over time, my heart has not.   I want to create a home that’s warm, comfortable, soft, easy.  But sometimes the rooms seem blah, clunky and not at all what I’m trying to create.  This past Christmas I found myself wishing I could experience each room with fresh eyes, see it for the first time, as it were,   see if I’m really pulling off this vintage/eclectic look.
So I called my mother.
My mother makes everything better, always.  What’s more, she’s a gifted photographer. 
Maybe Mom can help me see. 
She did.
Welcome to my work in progress, a growing collection of aged Christmas trimmings, a ridiculous mouse tree, vintage pieces and cats.  Always cats.

(A few of the photographs are captioned.  You can read them by hovering over them).

#324, built about 60 years ago for a college professor and his wife.

#324.  Built about 60 years ago for a college professor and his wife.Burning bush at the end of the driveway.IMG_5775IMG_5776IMG_5777Winter porchIMG_5783IMG_5785

This sign originally belonged to the Ocean City house
Christmas Tree 2013


Vintage Christmas village figurines from my mom’s family
Vintage Christmas village figurines.IMG_5806IMG_5808IMG_5809IMG_5813IMG_5814IMG_5815IMG_5818
This year’s mantel
Christmas mantelIMG_5838IMG_5843IMG_6012IMG_6013IMG_6014IMG_6016IMG_6018IMG_6019IMG_6020IMG_6021IMG_6022

The kitchen, where everyone always ends up (mural created by Joanne Lapic in 2003)
IMG_5844The kitchen.  Mural done by Joanne Lapic in 2003Who can resist a fat Santa cookie jar?Pepper snaps.IMG_5862IMG_5865IMG_5867I really like the light in this one.IMG_5869IMG_5871Vintage tins, happy to be filled this time of year.Casper is not interested in anything you have to say.Everybody loves Grandpop.IMG_5882IMG_5883IMG_5884IMG_5885IMG_5887IMG_5890Hello speck of dust.  Thanks for helping me keep things honest around here.

In the dining room
Vintage ornaments, Italian light fixture.IMG_5899A glimpse of the awesome photographer.IMG_5901The photographer must like cats.Mimi would like you to know that's not dirt on the end of her nose.  It's a freckle.  And she's proud of it.IMG_5905IMG_5906IMG_5908More antique ornamentsIMG_5913IMG_5914Vintage ornament from John's Dad's family.IMG_5920This angel has been in my life since I was three.IMG_5926IMG_5928IMG_5931IMG_5932IMG_5933IMG_5934IMG_5935IMG_5936IMG_5937Lavender.IMG_5939IMG_5945IMG_5967IMG_5971IMG_5972Mistletoe.  Matthew likes throwing it at his mother.

The mouse tree
The Mouse tree.IMG_5942IMG_5943IMG_5944IMG_5946The photographer liked their tails the best.IMG_5949IMG_5950IMG_5951IMG_5952IMG_5953IMG_5955IMG_5956IMG_5957IMG_5959IMG_5960IMG_5961IMG_5962IMG_5963IMG_5966

More vintage loveliness

A special nativity that came to our home all the way from Colombia, South America thanks to Brad and Camie
Nativity scene fron Colombia, given to me by Brad and Camie.IMG_5974IMG_5975IMG_5977IMG_5978
IMG_5986IMG_5987IMG_5989Vintage Christmas greetings.IMG_5996
Thank you for visiting.  More stories to come, but now it's tea time.